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Academic Books on Dickens & Victorian Literature
Academic Books on Dickens & Victorian Literature...
New Catalog: "Serving the Community." The Junior League Cookbook: Featuring a Collection of 400 Regional Cookbooks, Historical Monographs, Programmes & Guidebooks.
This Much is True. By Miriam Margolyes. (2021)
(Scotland) Collected Poems James Graham First Marquis Of Montrose. (1970) 1/500 copies.
Knowing Dickens. By Rosemarie Bodenheimer. (2007)
The Old Curiosity Shop. By Charles Dickens. Edited w/ an intro and notes by Norman Page. Penguin Classics. (2001)
(Dickens Association) Columbia Theatre, Boston. [Front cover illustration is of Daniel Peggoty's Home]. 1892.
(Dickens) A Christmas Carol Cookbook. (1993)
Vanbrugh, Sir John. The Provok'd Wife. (1735)
The Latest Edition of Black-Eyed Susan. By F.C. Burnand. (1860s)
Royal Hand-Bell Ringers. Corn Hall, Harleston, England. Feb. 2, 1878.
[Dickens] When Fiction Feels Real. By Elaine Auyoung. (2021)
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[Dickens] Imagined Homelands. British Poetry in the Colonies. By Jason R. Rudy. (2017)
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