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Academic Books on Dickens & Victorian Literature
Academic Books on Dickens & Victorian Literature...
(Dickens) Framed. The new woman criminal in British culture at the Fin de Siecle. By Elizabeth Carolyn Miller. (2008)
(Dvd) "Dickens in America." 2011. 2 discs. New. Sealed.
Brief Lives: Charles Dickens. By Melisa Klimaszewski and Melissa Gregory. 2008.
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Other Dickens. Pickwick to Chuzzlewit. By John Bowen. 2003.
(Jigsaw Puzzle) The World of Charles Dickens. 1,000 pieces. (2021)
Life on the Victorian Stage. By Nell Darby. (2017)
In Dialogue with Dickens. The Mind of the Heart. By Rosemarie Bodenheimer & Philip Davis. (2024)
(Dickens) Wallack's Theatre, NY. "The Highway of Life." Nov. 9th, 1914. (Based on David Copperfield)
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Black Girlhood in the nineteenth century. By Nazera Sadiq Wright. 2016.
Corn Exchange, Market Harboro, England. "Walter H. Wardroper." Dec. 9th, 1878.
The Shadowless Man. By Adelbert von Chamisso. Illust. by Gordon Browne. (1910)
(Castle Press, Grant Dahlstrom) Precocious Piggy. By Thomas Hood. (1969)
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