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The Budget Cook Book. By Ida Bailey Allen. (1938)
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The Burdens of Perfection. By Andrew H. Miller. 2010
The Burger Book. By Louis P. De Gouy. (1951.)
The California Cook. Casually elegant recipes with exhilarating taste. By Diane Rossen Worthington. [1994].
The Cambridge Companion to Charles Dickens. Ed. by John O. Jordan. (2001)
The Candler Theatre, NY. Sept. 14, 1914. "On Trial."
The Casino, NY. "The Fencing Master." Dec. 3, 1892.
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The Castelar Créche Cook Book. [1922].
The Chan-ese Way. By Titus Chan. [1975].
The Chapel Playhouse, Guilford, CT. Ruth Gordon in "Here Today." July 1, 1940.
The Charm of Paris, An Anthology. Compiled by Alfred H. Hyatt. [1924].
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The Cheese Book. By Richard Widcombe. (1978)
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